nonprofit | marketing

Building a successful nonprofit brand is all about generating public awareness so that nonprofits can connect and engage with more donors, volunteers, supporters, and stakeholders, and establish trust within the communities they serve.

Teenage girls hold 'thank you' sign in food bank

Here are 10 insights we’ve distilled from decades of nonprofit marketing experience, case studies, and research.

Take advantage of your 501c3 status.

  • 25-70% off rate card with media negotiation
  • Free space in TV, radio, print, and OOH using PSAs
    • TV is still the most trusted form of media for brand awareness and ad recall
    • One-third of donors have given as a result of a PSA.
      Click here to view our PSA Services.
  • Google Ad Grants $10K/month
  • 88% savings on postage with an indicia
  • Discounts on online tools, courses and products
Take advantage of your 501c3 status

The mission is the motivator.

  • #1 driving force behind donations is believing in the org’s mission
  • #2 is giving back to the community
  • #3 is having a personal connection to the cause
The mission is the motivator

The most persuasive marketing tool is a differentiating story that is easy to remember.

Click here to view our storytelling services.

Emotion is the most important driver in donor intent.

Emotion is the most important driver in donor intent

Individual success stories make the biggest impression.

  • Stories about individuals are nearly 2x more effective than stories about groups or data/statistics/charts/infographics.

Simplify and make it easy to take action.

  • You have less than 10 seconds to grab attention.
  • Avoid industry jargon
Individual success stories make the biggest impression

Localize it.

  • Provide a local angle for the media

Budgets go further with a mix of paid, earned, and owned media.

Click here to learn about our marketing activation services.

Budgets go further with a mix of paid, earned, and owned media.

Stay relevant.

  • Awareness months, holidays, special events, or specially created time period provides a media hook to make your campaign newsworthy.

Continually demonstrate tangible impact.

  • One third of donors are unsure that their gift made an impact
  • Donors want to see a tangible benefit of their gift
Continually demonstrate tangible impact

There’s so much more. That is why Williams Whittle is a partner and champion to the nonprofits we serve. You concentrate on the cause; we will concentrate on you.

our vertical marketing expertise

our services